Clash off clans v7.156.1 apk

Clash of Clans iconClash of Clans is a game of strategy management and real tempo. Here you have to build a village where you live the brave clan members if they are not running a mission, to prove their courage by destroying the enemy camp.

The game is divided into two distinct phases. In the first phase you have to build a structure and hire the people (right, they must be paid), while in the second phase of the fight you get into real time strategy where you can show off skills here.

The game offers ten different types of units that can be developed to collect experience and money. You can also build a different city defense system, which is necessary to survive the enemy attack when they came to attack.

Clash of Clans is a game of strategy and management with the flow of the game that much more interesting than it sounds. And the best part, the game is free and has been optimized for Android devices.

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you can download from link bellow

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2 Responses to "Clash off clans v7.156.1 apk"

  1. wahh saya download dulu nih gan, maaksih ya gan

  2. Mantap nih gan buat koleksi apk ane :) thank's gan
